Wednesday, 4 June 2008

the year to date - what a year it's been!

I was reflecting recently on what this job is like. A parallel came to mind. It’s kinda like being an engineer, but learning how to be an engineer on the job (no 4yr degree or anything) and doing it all well in the public eye. It can be tough at times, mistakes are made and sometimes it feels like your feet just aren’t anywhere near the ground.

However, I consider it an immense privilege to be able to say I have been your Students’ Union President for this academic year. It’s be a great and stretching challenge and one which I have relished and grown through. I have realised throughout the year, as I’ve been to meetings around the country and met officers of other Unions, what a fantastic Union this is. This is not just because of the services and activities provision available but also because of the opportunities for representation of our student body within the University, locally and nationally.

Whilst not all of the achievements listed have been done alone due to the excellent and committed staff support we receive as officers, I have been the driving force behind each one:

  • I have reviewed the Union leadership which although unsuccessful in passing through referendum this time around, gained majority of support and began important debates around what our leaderships should look like – debates which won’t end until the necessary changes are made and there are many students still around who want to see these changes passed.
  • I have campaigned nationally in support of the NUS governance review changes and the passing of radical new NUS education policy.
  • Alongside Pete and Emily, I have organised a high profile and successful Higher Education debate titled ‘University, is it worth it?’
  • I have worked hard at maintaining and developing positive community relationship – in particular:

- Co-ordinated the ‘sshh’ campaign
- Co-organised the ‘love where you live’ initiative
- Initiated the SummerVolidays project – the first of its kind
- In partnership with Hallam, University security and the police, I organised the ‘Like it? Lock it, Keep it!’ crime prevention campaign
- Been involved in creating a new University Community Strategy.
- Been actively critical of the crookesmoor parking permit, winning an extension to consultation period
- I have achieved groundbreaking collaboration with Hallam

  • I have overseen relationships with the University, forging positive working relations with a new Vice-Chancellor and have engaged proactively in the shaping of the University governance changes which bring about significant changes to the faculty structures in particular. Although the majority of the credit must go to Pete, I have put forward the case to the University for increase funds to improve our building, succeeding in £9.9m to develop the building.
  • Working with the chaplaincy, I have helped co-ordinate a new Inter-faith tandem learning project – the first of its kind in any university.
  • I have ensured, as far as possible, that Nursing and Midwifery students have had as few problems as possible in their difficult period of time since the University lost the nursing contract. In particular, working alongside the N&M Councillor, I have ensured that mental health placements for N&M students have been secured with smooth transitions between placements. I have also overseen the new N&M councillor and the induction of the new committee.
  • I have overseen and engaged directly and extensively with the Union’s strategic planning ‘Vision 2012’. Connected to this is the guiding of the Union into being part of SUEI, the Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative which is an initiative to evaluate Students’ Unions and their efficiency and effectiveness in all areas. Surprising huh?
  • And I’ve been to Cyprus.

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