I've no idea how many of you will read it but it's worth it even if it is just one of you.
I have 14 days left in office as of today. It is unbelieveable how quickly time passes. It sounds cliched perhaps but I seriously cannot believe how quickly it has all gone.
Someone just asked me if I've enjoyed the year and my response was as it has been to everyone who has asked that - "mostly".
Whilst "mostly" doesn't seem as enthusiastic and positive as one might expect, it is a realistic and honest answer.
There has been a lot this year which has been exceedingly hard and challenging. I have been majorly disliked and opposed by certain sections of our membership. This has been a great experience to have but equally been tough. I have had mass sleep deprivation and sacrificed closeness of many of my friendships to put in the hours necessary to fulfill this role. I have been put in numorous situations where I have never been before and had no idea how to handle myself.
Yet on that point I can begin the list of positives from the year. It has been an immense privilege to be able to lead a fantastic team of Union Officers and staff into situations where I and them have never been before. I also count it a huge honour to be able to represent the 24,000 students at this University nationally, locally and within our University structures. I have met some fantastic and inspiring people (and some not so inspiring for sure..) and developed skills I never thought I had.
Last night we welcomed Alastair Campbell to the Union as part of the Broomhill Festival, supported by the Leukemia Appeal. It was great to be able to spend time prior to the event chatting to him. Despite denials that he knew what 'spin' evens means, he was certainly good entertainment and a very intriguing and influential guy.
For the audio soon to be uploaded to the website, check out http://www.shef.ac.uk/union/student-voice/theexchange/
I wonder whether my year in office will be as memorable as The Blair Years...
Write a book (or maybe a small pamphlet) about me and you'll see.
Thank you.