Wednesday, 13 February 2008

**standing to be a student officer**

Happy day,

As many of you will be aware, election fever is gripping the concourse. i can remember my time last year getting planned up and ready to launch my campaign upon unsuspecting students.

Standing to be a student officer is a fantastic thing to do. The opportunity to represent Sheffield students is a great honour and the opportunities presented to you as an Officer are unlikely to occur at any other point in your life, at least not for several years.

You will be a representative, locally, nationally and to the University on behalf of 24,000 students. You will be a director and trustee of an £11m business and oversee the strategic development of it. You will meet a plethora of experienced, knowledgeable and helpful people to aid personal development, alongside receiving training to equip you for effectively carrying out the role.

It is especially exciting for the coming year for the following reasons:

  • There are new governance structures within the University meaning greater opportunities for student representation at top University and faculty boards. We also have and a very student focussed Vice-Chancellor, who is keen to work with us.
  • There are exciting developments locally with a new University/Union community strategy being formed and developing links in collaboration with Hallam.
  • Nationally there are big debates to be engaged with around the funding of Higher Education, bursaries and other student support.
  • The are also new governance structures of the NUS which will make it easier to engage in debate and support.
  • Internally there are also exciting developments with significant adjustments to the Union building, the new Council structures entering its second year and the long term strategic planning for this award winning Union.

I would encourage everyone to stand as an Officer. You are stretched and challenged personally in many ways. There is great support provided for you throughout, from experienced heads within the Union, and it is an experience you will not regret (though at times it is much harder than others to not regret it!!) Any further questions, please feel more than able to come and speak to me in person or reply to this email.

Nominations are open now and all the way through to Friday 15th Feb for the positions of President, Education Officer and International Students' Officer.

And then following the elections and the announcement of the referendum results, there will be the nominations open for the remaining 5 positions on Friday 7th March and closing on Friday 14th March.

With any further questions, please don't hesitate to come and see me personally (level 4 of the Union building in the Sabbatical Office) or contact me personally at or 0114 222 8605

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Union council has censored the 'Just say No campaign'!


We are not the 'Remain' campaign, we have issues with the undemocratic way these reforms were compliled, with only 4% of you being consulted, and many of you not knowing what is going on at all.... is this good enough for you?

We don't defend the status quo. Our union is currently shit, we need change, but we want you the students to tell the officers what you need, not the officer ask you if its ok that they do something.

The equalities officer must represent all the liberation campaigns, each of which is really a full time job. Hallam have just elected a straight white male equalities officer. Funding will still depend on the whim of the current officer team ... the budget has not yet been written, they WILL fuck you over. Part time or full time liberation campaign officers were not even mentioned, our union is here to represent students not as a service provision, representative positions should be priority, and IT IS NOT unworkable.

We never suggested that Varsity will definately end, and it is true that sports funding is in danger. Current and previous sports officers have told us how much work they have to do to keep sports funding, we have legitimate concerns over what will happen. Sports committee and sports clubs are worried. The budget has not yet been written, those lovely people in charge have promised you a new admin member of staff to cope with the sports stuff... you could vote for their option and never get this as they can turn around and say no if they like!

Rebel against the insitution that resorts to censoring its members to create change, rebel against those that will turn your union into just a place to drink, demand full representation.

Don't let them silence your voice.
Fight for your rights!
Vote NO in the Officer Roles Review.